In this class, students will learn specific assessments, techniques and protocols for clients that exhibit symptoms of plantar fasciitis. Stemming from a variety of underlying health concerns, reflexology is a strong partner and often the most consistent supportive modality for both acute and chronic foot discomfort and pain. The class utilizes the whole hand techniques and curriculum taught in the Level 1 class and builds on that foundation for enhanced care for these specific populations of clients. Structure of the feet and lower legs is emphasized. Students are required to either take a Level 1 Introduction to Reflexology or submit a Certificate of no less than 16 hours of reflexology education from another school.
Instructor: Amy Petersen
Class Format: In-person, with lecture and hands-on instruction
In this class you will learn:
- Assessments specific to determining the more probable sources for foot discomfort
- Anatomy as it applies to plantar fasciitis difficulties
- Techniques for specific areas of discomfort and pain
- Contra-indications for care by a reflexologist
- Medical model vs. reflexology: similarities and differences in care protocols
- Client homework essentials
Class includes:
- 16 continuing education (CE) instructional credit hours
- 8 hours are lecture/instructional
- 8 hours are applied/hands-on
- Students seeking to practice as qualified reflexologists may complete additional practicum sessions for additional credit. Please contact The Footbridge if you wish to explore this option.
Note: For all classes with The Footbridge, students are expected to purchase Integrative Reflexology™ Theory and Practice© – Level 1 by Claire Marie Miller, which should be brought along to class.